Browse articles from DevSecOps

Ultimate guide to CI/CD: Fundamentals to advanced implementation
Learn how to modernize continuous integration/continuous deployment, including automating the development, delivery, and security of pipelines.

ICYMI: Key AI and security insights from our developer community
Our latest LinkedIn Live highlights the hottest trends in AI, security, DevSecOps, and more. Also get a taste of the GitLab community contributions that are making an impact.

Develop C++ unit testing with Catch2, JUnit, and GitLab CI
Learn how to set up, write, and automate C++ unit tests using Catch2 with GitLab CI/CD. See examples from a working air quality app project and AI-powered help from GitLab Duo.

New Scheduled Reports Generation tool simplifies value stream management
Proactively receive the most recent metrics from the GitLab Value Streams Dashboard, streamlining the reporting process. This walkthrough shows you how.

GitLab 17.1 Release
GitLab 17.1 released with Model registry available in beta and multiple GitLab Duo Code Suggestions in VS Code.

Combine GitLab webhooks and Twilio for SMS alerts on DevSecOps platform
Configure GitLab webhooks with SMS alerts to instantly get feedback on new and existing issues within a project and enable teams to react quickly to project- and group-level changes.

GitLab 17.0 Release
GitLab 17.0 released with generally available CI/CD Catalog and AI Impact analytics dashboard.
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